As I shouldn't be procrastinating I'll keep it brief!
Last weekend we did a charity fundraising event where we got abandoned in a random part of the country (turned out to be near Nuneaton) and had to make our way back to Cambridge!
It was a great opportunity to wear my newly completed River Song cosplay, and to have some photos taken at the TARDIS at BBC Birmingham!
It was FREEZING. I really regretted my decision to cosplay the Day of the Moon outfit (THIN KHAKI DRESS) rather than, say, the Pandorica Opens one (THICK WARM WHITE JACKET).
As you can see, I steadily accumulated more layers throughout the day, making me pretty much unrecognisable.
The day was really good fun, up until the point where we had to leave Birmingham... which proved to be a total nightmare! We ended up spending the night sleeping in the bus station with some other LOST Cambridge students before going back to Cambridge via London. But getting into Birmingham and the challenges there were so much fun, and we met some incredible people who offered us lifts (thank you all so much!).
We have so fair raised more than £300 for some incredible charities :D If you want to help and donate more, we would be extremely grateful! (rest assured we earned every penny of those donations)
Speaking of cosplay, I tried to do Misa Amane for Halloween...
It ended up being more Misa Amane on a bad hair day, but I tried! It was based roughly on the cover art for volume 4, with a different T shirt to (potentially) make it more recognisable!
As it happens I didn't run into the one person I knew who liked Death Note all night, which was a shame. My boyfriend, however, described me as 'blonde punk' which I think counts as reasonably successful :)
Next post (hopefully): the adventures of the Knitting Society!