I am truly truly sorry for neglecting my blog for so long. I really am.
The reason? University work (yay) combined with some unforeseen medical issues.
I can only apologise and try again, although I cant promise anything.
So... things to update on! Theres quite a lot!
It has been a good year :D Cambridge is a lot of fun (despite being hard work) and I've made some amazing friends. I even managed to pass my exams!
Stuff I'm working on at the moment...
I have a commission for a charity auction which is currently in progress. The bidder wanted amethyst and hematite, which is a lovely colour combination, so I shall post pictures when its finished!
I'm also working on a tiger eye and hematite pendant, as well as some other stuff.
I made my own hair piece and earrings for the May Ball:
Me and the boyfriend, looking very smart in white tie.
I discovered a passion for baking! Which is awkward as we don't have ovens at uni... If you know any good no bake cake recipes please let me know!
This is my Sticky Mars Bar Calorie Cake Of Doom, described by my friend as the amazing chocolate heaven thing. Who needs ovens???
I haven't forgotten the steampunk stuff, I promise! Things got in the way!
There has been some good fancy dress however...
Pirate punting races on the Cam! I wish I'd got a better picture of my hair, it was epic :D
I'm currently working on River Song and Aerith Gainsborough cosplays. River Song is for a uni charity event I'm planning on doing next term (with my boyfriend as the Eleventh Doctor), and the Aerith one is for the off chance that I have enough money to go to a convention in August. Plus I have been told I look like both.
River Song cosplay, work in progress.
I hope you all have been well :D I look forward to reading all the blog posts I have to catch up on...
Becky x
I keep coming back to your page and finally you've updated! Hope you are well <3 your work is fab as always, and I love the photos of you in Cambridge, you look so happy :) Jo